Neuroscience Minor


The Minor in Neuroscience gives highly qualified and motivated undergraduates an opportunity to pursue an academic program in Neuroscience. The emphasis includes study in systems, cognitive, and computational neuroscience in a manner that crosses the traditional boundaries of Psychology, Biological Sciences, and other related disciplines. The minor is most appropriate for students who already have a background in the biological sciences or psychology. There are a number of science course prerequisites for the required and elective classes for the Minor in Neuroscience.

All majors are eligible for the minor EXCEPT students in the Physiology & Neurobiology (PHNB) track in Biological Sciences (BSCI) and the Neuroscience (NEUR) major. No more than 2 courses can count towards both the minor and your major.


1. Complete the Neuroscience Minor application

2. Email as an attachment to:

3. Call (301) 405-5866 or email to arrange a meeting with the Neuroscience Advisor Lori

Please note: The application is due 2 weeks prior to the deadline to allow for scheduling with the NEUR Minor Advisor and the faculty. 

Eligibility:  In order to apply for the Minor in Neurosciences, a student must have:
          1. Completed at least 30 college credits and at least 15 credits at UMD
          2. Earned at least a C- in PSYC202/NEUR200
          3. Earned at least a C- in CHEM131/132 (or AP/transfer equivalents)
          4. Earned at least a C- in BSCI170/171 (or AP/transfer equivalents)
          5. A good academic standing with the University

Applications for the Minor in Neuroscience are considered three times each year: Fall Semester, Spring Semester, and Summer.

Application deadlines are October 1, March 1, and June 1.


1) Submit application to

2) Schedule an appointment with Lori Kader by calling (301) 405-5866. 


Neuroscience Minor Advisor: Lori Kader, Department of Psychology (

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Amanda Chicoli, Department of Psychology & Dr. Catherine Carr, Department of Biology 

Questions? Please contact Lori Kader ( in the Psychology Department Undergraduate Advising Office if you have questions about the Minor in Neuroscience.

Course Selection
The Minor in Neuroscience has been designed so that students have ample choice in course selection. All students in the Minor in Neuroscience must enroll in the “Topics in Neuroscience Seminar” (PSYC409) for at least one semester. Every other requirement in the Minor offers a choice of courses. DOWNLOAD THE COURSE REQUIREMENTS.

Please note: Registration blocks are handled by the Psychology Department Undergraduate Advising Office. Contact Lori Kader at

Research Assistantships - Students may have the opportunity to complete an independent research project in a neuroscience laboratory (e.g. BSCI399, PSYC479). Permission of a Minor in Neuroscience Faculty Advisor is required.

Honors Thesis - A student in a Departmental Honors Program may conduct a thesis in Neuroscience for their program's requirement. Consult with Lori Kader for more information.