PSYC Forms & Applications

Here is a collection of instructions and forms that PSYC majors will need to apply for course credit. Be sure that you follow the instructions on this site, and on the individual forms, and that forms are filled out in entirety.

PSYC 389 – Experiential Learning (Internship) in Psychology - Course credit related to a psychology-oriented internship in which a student would gain valuable knowledge and practical experience commensurate with in-class work. Student are responsible for arranging the terms of their internship, and an appropriate site employee must agree to supervise your independent study before you can apply for course credit.

PSYC478 - Independent Study and Undergraduate Teaching Assistantships in Psychology - Course credit related to independent study (IS) activity within the Department of Psychology, such as serving as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for a faculty member or graduate student. A faculty member must agree to supervise your independent study before you can apply for course credit. Your registration block should be removed within 48 hours. You will not receive an e-mail, but rather should attempt to register for the course on Testudo after 48 hours.

PSYC 479 - Special Research Experience in Psychology - Course credit related to supervised research activity within the Department of Psychology, such as working as a Research Assistant (RA) for a faculty member or graduate student. A faculty member must agree to supervise your research activity before you can apply for course credit. Your registration block should be removed within 48 hours. You will not receive an e-mail, but rather should attempt to register for the course on Testudo after 48 hours.

PSYC Honors Program Application

Psychology Honors Program Thesis Defense Form