Lemay, Edward
Edward Lemay is Professor of Psychology at the University of Maryland. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Yale University. Dr. Lemay is director of the Interpersonal Relationships Lab at University of Maryland. Research in the lab examines cognition, emotion, behavior, and motivation within the context of social interaction and interpersonal relationships, such as friendships, romantic relationships, and coworker relationships. Current research projects focus on the influence of loneliness and world beliefs on social interactions and relationships, intellectual humility in relationship contexts, links between perceived discrimination and interpersonal relationships, the pursuit of self-esteem and social approval, the need to belong, and communal motivation toward members of minoritized and stigmatized groups. He is also studying social status and interpersonal relationships within the workplace. The projects involve a variety of methods, including studies using dyadic, behavioral observation, longitudinal, and daily experience methods. He has published in outlets such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Emotion, and Psychological Science. He serves on numerous editorial boards in social-personality psychology and has served as associate editor for several journals. Currently, he is an associate editor for Emotion. Dr. Lemay received a number of awards for his research, and won the 2023 Outstanding Research Faculty Mentor Award from the Department of Psychology at UMD.
- Yale University; Psychology, 2008 - PhD
Areas of Interest
Social Psychology
Interpersonal Relationships
Social Interaction
Self and Identity
Social Status
Social Class
Quantitative Methods